Selling Selling LOWERED$ 2 PC STO Star Trek Online:9 lvl 60:FED:6 23c*4300 Lobi*352mil EC*370Z

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Derkster, 6/12/17.

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  1. Derkster

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    THESE ARE NOT BOUND: Lobi<BOUND, but ships are not. Can make 2-3 billion EC with 5-6 Lobi ships, R'nD, EC, Epic and UR upgraded gear (most critD or dmg x3 or x4), 100s of UR and VR doffs, easily ~15K+ Infinity boxes, 100s of unboxed ground and space traits, weapons packs, VR Pakled, Alien, Vulcan Boff candidates. Screencaps do not include what has expired from the exchange and in my mail, nor email storage items.

    Also, all the weapons and gear that are bound and can be used at your discretion. I was a very fast and strong torpedo boat (~250K CCA, 75K+ ISA), lots of UR and Epic gear for that.

    Main toon is ~95% done with work and farming... you be the judge :) Have not done storyline since release of AoY 23c (6 in total... and a Rom and a Delta<~90% complete). All other toons were used for storage /email, and swapping... some have partial storylines, admiralty, RnD schools, but nothing near complete. Have 300+ Zen, over 1.86 mil unrefined over 153K refined (and will refine 8K everyday until sold) Dil, and ~457K+ Fleet Credits (used to buy Doffs at Starbase and sell them). Other toons on main account have 100K+ Fleet Credits or so.

    All toons are in the same fleet. Main one is one of the Admirals for the fleet. All toons have access to the Fleet stores and gear.... Fleet holdings are max tier.

    You do the math of what I have.

    In short, I have a very good idea what this is worth. If I converted everything I can to EC and sold to EC buyers. At MINIMUM I would be at 6 billion EC (and that is selling items cheap and fast on the exchange), and to buy that from sellers is well over $1000+ at buying 2 billion at a time, and to sell to EC buyers I would get $500+

    Reply to this thread or PM me with offers. I use PayPal or I can signup for SKRILL

    *I will edit and add details daily* If you want screencaps of specific things, just ask and I will get some for you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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