Sold Selling Lost Ark lvl 10 dmg/cdr gem on US east Una.

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by /u/GTKnight, 12/2/22.

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  1. /u/GTKnight

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    Lost interest in the game since clown and dont really plan on going back, so figured might as well get rid of the items so I can buy some upcoming games.

    To make things easier have two level 10 gems one dmg and one cdr. Together valued at 800k on the auction house.

    Seeing the value of gold on the grey market which is 200k for around $50. I'm willing to sell both for $150. Either steam gift card or buy an item I sell on steam market (beware of tax).

    Past trades at SGS:

    # #/GTKnight
    # .
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