Sold Selling Lost Ark 1465 GS Striker with +20 Weapon / Slen Server

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by /u/Dechsaa, 6/21/22.

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  1. /u/Dechsaa

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    Hi, i'm selling my Lost Ark Steam Account for 450€

    All Classes:
    Striker: 1465 GS, Mage: 1400 GS, Berserk: 1400 GS, Mage 1370 GS, Deathblade 1370 GS

    My striker has full level 7 gems and one level 8 gem
    My Mage has 1000+ unbound greater honor leapstones in the inventory.

    My Berserk has over 500+ unbound greater honor leapstones in the inventory.

    With the GS of my striker u will be ready to play the newest vykas legion raid in hard mode.

    I bough the platinum founderpack. I still do have the costume of it in my storage.

    In my steam account are also games included as:
    - Dead by Daylight

    - Fall Guys

    - Valheim

    - Phasmophobia

    - New World (High end progress)

    - Sea of Thieves

    and much more games.

    If you are interested, have questions or want to have more informations such as pictures

    just send a friendrequest on discord (Dechsa#5868) or type me here on reddit

    # #/Dechsaa
    # .
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