Sold Selling Lords Mobile 200M+ (Legit) T4 Amazing Hero Account $2,500

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Schlompay, 12/21/16.

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  1. Schlompay

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    200M+ Might Lords Mobile Account
    VIP LvL 14
    25 Gold + Max Geared Heroes
    Definitely T4
    2.3M+ troops

    I'm looking to sell for $2,500 and I'm not willing to negotiate the price.
    "I will trade for a 40-60M account if relics look good and not all troop might and you pay $2,000".
    I'm not looking to sell in a rush but once sold its gone.
    My Relics are decent but not tens of thousands of dollars good.
    Many other T4 players will sell there accounts Cheaper with crappy heroes but please keep in mind
    its a minimum of $700 USD per gold hero worth of bravehearts or Cash Shop purchases.
    Heroes are more valuable then Relics are due to never losing value and the boosts they provide
    to your team and I have 5 of each troop type to gold minus siege because there's only 4 Siege Heroes in the game.
    Treasure Trove level 9 and this account can easily hold down Rank 1 in the Colosseum Meaning?
    Tons of Free Gems everyday/monthly rewards. Getting into Top guilds won't be a problem either.
    I'll add my Line ID if this gets enough responses otherwise please don't ask.
    I'm only accepting payments that are Secured.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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