Sold [Selling] Looking for Investor for PoE auto market manipulation (to make orbs without playing)

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Parog, 12/29/16.

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  1. Parog

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    Hello everyone, I'm currently developing a platform to automate a trading technique I have been using manually to make a TON of currency out of very little currency. It's an algorithm I wrote to ensure every trade yields maximum profit. This technique does not go against the ToS or EULA, will not get your account banned and will be entirely managed by the platform I am developing. The platform will be fully automated, the only thing the users will need to do is be in-game and accept the trade.

    This is something I will be keeping private. As more people gain access to it, the less profit can be made.

    To ensure a high profit for the users, I will be making it so that it is subscription based with a competitive rate. IE: If someone wants to pay more, they will have priority / be first in the listings.

    I would like an initial investor to cover the time spent developing this platform and the setup fees. This investment will give you your money back by getting a share of the subscriptions, or give you monopoly over the market and multiply your orbs automatically if you are a PoE player/trader/seller and would like to keep this private and to yourself. Whichever you choose.

    For more information, please contact me through Skype:
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