Selling Selling LOH Account, currently 4 mythics

Discussion in 'Legion of Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bob Kim, 9/1/17.

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  1. Bob Kim

    Bob Kim
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    m currently selling my LOH account that i played for years now.

    It comes with 2b gold, 800 soul gem,19k hearts, 615k rune stones, 21k dragon hearts, 5000+ quick battle coupons

    The account currently has 6.5k mythic essence, meaning you can get any mythic hero you want

    The mythic SEASON heroes i have are dqk at 14.6m and taihu at 10.1m
    I also have michael and paguensong, all 4 mythics are costumed.

    In arena i am currently high masters, with all the bans going on it will be easy to reach royal even with my incomplete arena team meaning i am high master even without using ella and khalid and etc, i simply am too lazy to buy them LOL

    I never really done MR on this account seriously but if i auto, i am guaranteed top 500.

    I also have 2 pocahantas, the really rare hero.

    Obviously my account is pretty veteran just considering i have 4 mythics, 2 poca, and 6.5k mythic essense which can give you another mythic hero.


    My account only has clean purchases, no risk of getting banned. I can show you that my card is connected to google play and that is how i made my purchases.

    VIP level is 3.

    Just considering the fact i have 6.5k mythic essence means i will not take anything under 700. To be fair, i think $1000 is a fair price.

    I am in a top guild and have credibility.

    gmail: [email protected]
    skype: samuelpotatofries
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