Selling Lifetime pass, 1.3B assets, corvette/cutter rank, cheap for quick sale!!!

Discussion in 'Elite Dangerous Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by colonelmac123, 6/28/17.

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  1. colonelmac123

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    I am selling this account, it has treated me well but I want to move on to other games. The account has
    -lifetime expansion pass
    -access to all betas and updates
    -founder's world access
    -corvette and cutter rank (rear admiral/duke)
    -1.3 billion in assets
    -811 million credits
    -£80+ of customizables (including exclusive chrome corvette, exclusive chrome cutter, exclusive gold anaconda and exclusive EGX decal, exclusive gold ASP X, black skins for all available ships)
    -pack hounds, FSD disruptor and some prismatic shields in storage
    -aligned with Aisling Duval for >8 weeks, so prismatic shields are easily accessible if you wish to buy them.

    This account is perfect for anyone looking to start playing as the painful grind is already complete, and you have enough credits to outfit any ship you want!

    My price depends on the value of bitcoin at the time of transaction, but it will be roughly 0.1 BTC got quick sale (no bartering, 50% of original price). I only accept bitcoin payment due to chargebacks and other security risks.

    Feel free to contact me via PM or e-mail at colonel(dot)mac(at)hotmail(dot)com

    - - - Updated - - -



    Images not displaying on my view, here they are.
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