Selling Selling Lifer Account with lots of extras

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kyropierrot, 6/22/17.

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  1. Kyropierrot

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    Selling Sto Lifer acct, w/ Vaudwaar Astika (T6) T6 Cross Faction bun...dle (all 9 flaships) Phantom Intel Escort(T6), Scryer Intel Science Vessel(T6) Temporal Battlecruiser Paladin Class (T6) Arbiter Class Battle Crusier (T6) Morrigu Heavy Warbird (T6) Manitcore Heavy Destroyer (T6) Breen Rezreth Dreadnought Crusier (T6), Krenim Science Vessel (T6) Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel (T6), Breen Chel Boalg Warship (T6), also have the Starfleet 0718 Model Android Officer and Lifer Android Officer unlocked account wide. My Main have a full set of EPIC Coalition Disruptor Beam Array set and full Epic Iconian, as well as a Fully Epic Torprdo Boat (Manticore T6) with Epic gears as well.
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  2. CaptYday

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