***************Selling levels 70+

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/29/14.

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  1. Games

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    1 account lvl 74 Female

    Axium set

    Xian set

    Carpedium school Set

    All the existed elements

    Gold Skill ring

    Skill ring

    Ammo pouch

    Some more prem rings

    1 account lvl 79 Female

    Desert flame set

    Adventurer set

    Priest Set

    Iron crow coat

    Iron crow shotgun

    1 account lvl 71 Male

    Judgment set

    Wedding set


    65 Gcoins left

    1 account lvl 68 Female

    Train guard set

    Scrider set

    Eternal blue set

    Desert flame top, Xian hat, Deities top

    Some prem rings

    292 Gcoins left

    *Some are unlimited, some are limited, contact my MSN for more info.

    *I wont give first, But:

    **I agree to meet in game with the account u wish, so you see it exists.

    **I agree to use a middleman - only an admin here in GzP.

    *For the price contact my MSN.


    You may use me as a MM if you wish.

    Add me at ; and my thread is here:

    bump !

    Lol which sets are umlimited? and which are limited?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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