Selling Selling Level 88 With About 200M Gold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Games, 11/19/14.

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  1. Games

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    Selling my runescape its level 88 with pretty good skills, 75 mining, 65 smithing, 73 str, 73 attack, 68 def, 59 range, 69 magic, 67 crafting, 72 hp, 54 thief, 50 agility, 51 pray and many other skills forgot the levels.

    its was a member account and has about 200 member items in the bank, including 1 green god book, 1 whip, 2 dragon med helm, 1 dragon leg, 1 dragon chain, 23 rune axe, 12 rune pick, 3,000 nature rune and 1,000 of every other basic rune, 13 blood rune, all elemet staffs, and 1 green helloweed mask, full mine set, full zombie set, full chinken set, 532 swordfish in bank, 5604 coal ores, 1244 mithirl ores, 453 addy ores, lots of herb leafs, and many many other items for quest and junk robes,food,rings ect.....

    it done most of the old member easy quest, all free quest are done, any quest after 2006 was not done.

    its not member any more so all the items are stuck in the bank if you withdrew they can not be put back into the bank and you can not place any new items into the bank.

    account has only 1 black mark from 2006 for "bad words"

    I quited alot time ago but i log on once in a while but i found out couple weeks ago that you can not do trades on runescape any more so there no point in playing at all any more.

    selling the account for a reasonable price, contact me at

    Ps. i also got lots of other items for sale like maple story accounts level 126 bishop, level 130 hero, 1billion gold in khraini, xbox 360 mod with tons of burned games, T-mobile G1, white iphone 16 gb, mod psp slim yellow face plate with black buttons with 8gb card.

    sorry, i can't let you try loging on the account first before you buy but i can meet you in to game.

    i have all the information for the account, so you can change every thing ill also give you the old membership pin number and ip lcoation used to log on the game for the pass couple days.

    I'll buy if you will take my WoW account.

    It does have two DKs, contrary to what the person

    flaming my thread has claimed, and I will let you check it out.

    Oh and it has 60 days worth of played time on it :D

    You should post some pictures of it

    its a scam 200 m how wud he make it?

    Originally Posted by benyboy1

    its a scam 200 m how wud he make it?

    how is this a scam? just because you dont have good items in games dont make any one who has better items then you a scam/fake. I been playing a long time and been to every event and keeped the items and over the years the price grow for the items, also I can make up to 1.5m a day from mining and smthining and other ways in the member world.

    how much cash u want and if i was buyin i would like to see the cash

    Could you post some pictures please?

    Originally Posted by benyboy1

    its a scam 200 m how wud he make it?

    1 retired Merchanter

    2 succesful PKer (when wildy was here)

    3 succesfull PVPer

    4 rare item from long time ago.

    5 friends who gave him cash

    6 RSbotting on other account and trading cash

    its not a scam, i mean. it could be, but its deffinetly possible to have that much cash.

    ill show you screen shot i took couple days ago add me to msn if want to buy, its $120 or best offer for the account. ( am not taking any thing els but cash/paypal) i quit playing most games, and the only games i play dont need accounts.
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