Sold Selling Level 88 Account

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BunnyPrincess, 12/29/17.

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  1. BunnyPrincess

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    Monster Legends Account

    Level: 88
    Unique Monsters: 231
    Monster Power: 10,107
    Multiplayer Trophies: 2891k (Highest Achieved Gold 1)

    VIP Monsters: Uther (100), Kaih (100), Hiroim (100), Zyla (100), Vulgar (100)
    Nemesis: Nadiel the Flooder (100), Nadiel the Pyromancer (100)
    Ranked Up: Metalhead (105)

    Legend Count
    Metal: 11
    Dark: 18
    Water: 10
    Fire: 12
    Light: 13
    Thunder: 12
    Magic: 18
    Earth: 12
    Nature: 12
    Total: 118

    Temples All Max Lvl 8
    Lab/Rune Buildings Max Level
    All 3 Guardian Temples Repaired
    4 Workers
    All Islands Bought
    Breeding Tree Bought
    Random Boosts Around
    Vault w/ 5 Slots

    Goath'El, Freeza, Rosanha Eggs on Hatchery

    925.5M Gold
    6.121M Food
    11 Gems
    2000~ War Coins

    I love this game, but I'm at the point where I need to give it up. I've spent too much money, so I'm looking to get a few hundred back possibly.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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