Selling Selling Level 87 account 143 skins including merdusa lots of other stuff

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Cl1ve, 7/31/17.

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  1. Cl1ve

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    Smite account for sale
    Level 87
    Lot of cosmetics
    Roughly 400 hours of playtime
    God pack owned

    Loading frames: Summer of smite 2016,Odyssey 2017, S4 ticket, S3 ticket
    Loading skin: Celestial
    Pedestals: Celestial, Summer of smite2016 (Merdusa), Odyssey 2017
    Jump stamp: S4 ticket
    Emotes: GG, S4 ticket spring, Smitebirthday 2017, Smitening bolt
    Recall skins: Celtic, Chinese, Diamondgod 1, Ranked Summer
    Announcer packs: F., Hinduman, Inuki,Lore lady, Mezmoreyez, Nevercake, Sol
    Music themes: S3 ticket, Jetpackfighters, Summer of smite 2016

    Gods and skins (VP mean voice pack isowned):
    Agni (Mastery 1): Volcanic, Swagni,Curse, Triumph and agni, Encore
    AMC (Mastery 1): Sting, Dark Whisperer,Killer Bee, Swarm sentry, Solid Hornet VP
    Ah Puch (Mastery 1): Death mask VP
    Amaterasu (Mastery 1): Shining Heaven VP
    Anhur (Mastery 3): Jungle King, SandWarden, Star Lancer, Shadow VP
    Anubis (Mastery 1): Stargazer,Adjudicator
    Ao Kuang (Mastery 1): Tempest,Clockwork Knight
    Aphrodite (Mastery 1): None
    Apollo (Mastery 1): Slickshot, Battlebard, Curse, Vicious
    Arachne (Mastery 1): Black Widow
    Ares (Mastery 1): None
    Artemis (Mastery 1): Wrangler, BriarQueen, Stalker
    Athena (Mastery 1): High Counselor,Shield of the gorgon
    Awilix (Mastery 1): Blood moon
    Bacchus (Mastery 3): Hoot n holler
    Bakasura (Mastery 1): Death machine,Ravenous
    Bastet (Mastery 1): Kawaii pop, Crimsonops
    Bellona (Mastery 1): Battle maiden, Spl2016, Rock a Bellona
    Cabrakan (Mastery 3): Rampage
    Camazots (Mastery 1): Terror-dactyl VP
    Cernunnos (20 worshipers): None
    Chaac (Mastery 4): Hailstorm,Slaughterhouse
    Chang'e (Mastery 1): Bright moon, Sun'sBride
    Chiron (Mastery 1): Chevalier
    Chronos (Mastery 1): Time Lord, Fallenlord
    Cupid (Mastery 1): Lil Devil
    Da Ji (0 worshipers): None
    Erlang Shen (Mastery 1): None
    Fafnir (Mastery 2): Covetous
    Fenrir (Mastery 1): Metal carnage, Ironmaw, Wolf man
    Freya (Mastery 1): Valkyrie, Get Served
    Ganesha (Mastery 1): None
    Geb (Mastery 2): Molten fury VP
    Guan yu (Mastery 3): Unstoppable blade,Grim horseman VP
    Hades (Mastery 1): Classic, Soultaker VP
    Hebo (Mastery 1): Cascade VP
    Hel (Mastery 1): Solstice
    Hercules (Mastery 1): Lion of olympus,Legion VP
    Hou yi (Mastery 1): Sunbreaker, Grimeclipse, Searing sun
    Hun Batz (Mastery 1): Red demon VP
    Isis (Mastery 1): Desert omen, Shadow
    Izanami (25 worshipers): Plague bearer
    Janus (Mastery 1): Gate keeper,Keymaster, Ba5s drop, Jt 6000
    Jing wei (16 worshipers): Pool party
    Kali (Mastery 1): None VP
    Khepri (Mastery 2): Horned beetle,Steel scarab, Chefs special, shadow
    Kukulkan (Mastery 1): Typhoon
    Khumbakarna (Mastery 2): Rip van khumba VP
    Kuzenbo (Mastery 2): Shinobo
    Loki (Mastery 1): Ssslither, Whitedeath
    Medusa (Mastery 1): Mortal coil, Seamaiden
    Mercury (Mastery 1): None
    Ne Zha (5 worshipers): None
    Neith (Mastery 7): Mischievous, MsDiagnosis, Worldweaver, Star strike VP
    Nemesis (Mastery 1): Leona, Silentblade
    Nike (Mastery 1): None
    Nox (24 worshipers): Crimson eclipse,Madame darkness
    Nu wa (Mastery 1): Water dancer,Challenger, Ace, Old wa
    Odin (Mastery 5): Raven's throne,Mountain man VP
    Osiris (Mastery 3): Lord of silence,Frankenhotep VP
    Poseidon (Mastery 2): Dreadbeard
    Ra (Mastery 1): Solar sentinel, Solareclipse, Sunstar
    Raijin (10 worshipers): Devil horns
    Rama (Mastery 1): Orbital strike
    Ratatoskr (21 worshipers): Flurry
    Ravana (Mastery 4): Tyrant, Demon king
    Scylla (Mastery 1): Tiny terror,Vampiric VP
    Serqet (Mastery 1): Venom
    Skadi (10 worshipers): None
    Sobek (Mastery 2): High seas, Landshark
    Sol (29 worshipers): Supernova, Polaris
    Sun Wukong (Mastery 10) (Only diamond):Silver sage, Sun wu xing VP
    Susano (9 worshipers): Scarlet storm
    Sylvanus (Mastery 1): Permafrost, Deathcap
    Terra (Mastery 1): None
    Thanatos (7 worshipers): Soulharvester, Jack the reaper
    The Morrigan (0 worshipers): None
    Thor (Mastery 1): Heavy metal,Righteous hammer
    Thoth (Mastery 1): None
    Tyr (Mastery 1): King Artyr, Sockpuppetyr, Shadow VP
    Ullr (0 worshipers): None
    Vamana (Mastery 3): Divine protector,Lil mana VP
    Vulcan (Mastery 1): Ironsmith
    Xbalanque (Mastery 1): Jungle beast
    Xing Tian (Mastery 6): Siege engine,Tiermonster VP
    Ymir (Mastery 4): Boss twitchymir,Obsidian Shard
    Zeus (Mastery 1): X, Almighty
    Zhong Kui (Mastery 3): King of Ghosts,Golden

    Lookingfor $50 steam code but will negotiate

    emaill:[email protected] (I was 12)
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