Sold Selling Level 800, Every Omni (Including every Limited Edition) 60+ Summon tickets~

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zeroyina, 1/13/17.

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  1. zeroyina

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    Haven't really had time to play anymore.

    Tried my best to keep playing but working too many hours and it's hard to enjoy BF anymore due to it.

    I have every Omni unit and 62 summon tickets. (Legacy and Limited Editions included)

    HR 38 ( Never really grinded)

    No gems atm.

    Guild with 70% EXP boost

    I've put over $6,000 USD into my account but don't expect that back or anywhere close to it.
    Just want to give you an idea of how much work I've put into the game.

    Open to trades possibly but,
    I am looking more so to get back at least some of the money back that I've invested into the game.

    If I sell you the account then it will need to be done with a middle man or whichever way is safest provided for both of us through playerup.
    I will not accept any sort of payment not done through this website so do not offer.

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask here or pm me. I will be active now and reply whenever possible.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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