Sold Selling Level 80 account / 3650 BP/ Can easily be top 5% every week/ 25+ Costumes

Discussion in 'Crusaders Quest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by angryfatnerd, 12/16/17.

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  1. angryfatnerd

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    Level 80 account - 3650 BP - 11 reforge tickets - 29 gems
    29 Costumes
    55+ level 60 heroes - 25 maxed out heroes with SBW 6* on the best conversions
    70+ SBW (29 at 6*)
    Level 7 Remi
    26 Rings 10+ of which are top tier
    10k+ meat, 1m3 gold, 140k iron, 100k honor, 12k+ dust, 125 dungeon keys, 562 map pieces, a bunch of berries and bread
    Event heroes include Weiss, Blake, Ruby all maxed

    Link to screenshots:

    Asking price is 70$, open to any negotiations or offers, (PayPal only please)

    hit me up on discord (please don't message me on this forum, I rarely check) for any questions or offers or negotiations staywoke#7825
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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