Selling Selling Level 69 account with VIP 7 and all the best weapons and sets available!

Discussion in 'Microvolts Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Macadamia, 6/8/16.

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  1. Macadamia

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    Close to level 70. VIP level 7. Best Weapons available and the best set available. With the use of speed accessories you are the fastest possible (25% speed + 1130 runspeed on goldberg) A lot of fun and rare naomi parts!
    100% legit, Epic Name (through namechange) and never been traded before. Comes with all possible info. Possible to skype, screenshare etc. Payment through PayPal. If you are afraid to be scammed, I'll give you all the references and info you want. Also, I'll give you my real skype/email/Facebook..

    Contact me on [email protected] or skype me on ''microvoltsale'' or text me on snapchat: rampestamp or leave a message. Even tho I spend thousands on this account I think I'll sell it for under 150 euro.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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