Selling Level 67 Female Acc WiTH Premiums ! @ # $ % ^ & *

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    (U) = 999

    (E) = Maybe Expires

    (K) = Crazy Thingy

    GHS ; (U)

    Cruzelin ; (E) &/Or (K)

    DFS ; (U)

    FWS ; (K) &/OR (E)

    GKS ; (E)

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    CM ; (K) &/OR (E)

    BK ; (E)

    Originally Posted by Basic

    (U) = 999

    (E) = Maybe Expires

    (K) = Crazy Thingy

    GHS ; (U)

    Cruzelin ; (E) &/Or (K)

    DFS ; (U)

    FWS ; (K) &/OR (E)

    GKS ; (E)

    SPS ; (K) &/OR (E)

    CM ; (K) &/OR (E)

    BK ; (E)

    wut does any of this even mean?

    Originally Posted by omegareaper123

    wut does any of this even mean?

    I too wonder WTF is that all about o_O

    Would be good to close or delte this thread

    Originally Posted by Basic

    (U) = 999

    (E) = Maybe Expires

    (K) = Crazy Thingy

    GHS ; (U)

    Cruzelin ; (E) &/Or (K)

    DFS ; (U)

    FWS ; (K) &/OR (E)

    GKS ; (E)

    SPS ; (K) &/OR (E)

    CM ; (K) &/OR (E)

    BK ; (E)

    WTF IS ALL THAT?.. Secret Codes?

    Im pretty sure i met this person today on Gunz, name Fire perhaps? If so, i might be interested considering i saw a little of what you have. Reply, ill check back soon. And how much are you looking for? And you might want to explain those little acronyms for people, you might get a better offer.

    IM interest if u got the acc.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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