Sold Selling Level 62 with 32 karma. 5k+ arena

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MyNameWontFi, 10/15/16.

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  1. MyNameWontFi

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    Selling my account. Has the newly released 4l karma at lvl 32.

    My 4l are:
    32 karma
    40 wu + 2 copies
    40 ace
    32 lubu
    30 teo
    On lubu puzzle

    38 rudy
    38 Eileene
    36 spike
    34 Rachel + 5*
    32 jave + 5*
    32 Dellons
    1 copy of kris

    Normal units
    40 gipa
    40 DQ
    40 yushin
    40 BR
    40 jupy
    40 Shane
    40 guan yu
    40 espada
    40 velika
    40 ruri
    40 ming ming
    40 nia
    40 lina
    40 daisy
    40 bidam
    40 karon
    40 nezha
    40 sieg
    38 Asura

    Å load of elements and stuff like that

    Raid team scores like 1.3m+ on 99s

    Pm me offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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