Sold Selling Level 60 mnk, nin, pld, drk, ast and 4 maxed crafting classes

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tentaclegrape, 2/8/17.

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  1. tentaclegrape

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    Have the DPS and Tank classes at ilvl 250+ so they're raid ready, and 40m gil in the account.
    1 relic and 1 anima done, with another anima well on the way.
    Have numerous mounts and event equipment, including the recent PvP Garo mounts.
    Full ironworks crafting gear left and right side.
    First Lieutenant with Maelstrom and maxed out squadron. Level 8 Chocobo companion.
    400k+ MGP. Too many things to list.

    Looking to sell for $350, willing to negotiate.
    Will be continuing to play the account before it's sold so it'll only be geared up more, but will not increase selling price.
    Payment by Paypal only.

    Feel free to add me on Skype, search Facebook.:faddyfreeze and we can talk there.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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