Sold Selling Level 48 Dragonknight level 46 Spell level 42 Ranger

Discussion in 'Drakensang Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by stven12, 4/3/17.

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  1. stven12

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    I am selling my Drakensag Oline account (agathom server) completely guaranteed, good characters, good ranks.
    I let them know that it is a very dear account I hope to receive good offers for it, I do not share evidence for security reasons.
    Interested in writing to my email where we can specify more of said account and make delivery of my account.

    Level 48 Dragonknight
    Level 46 Spellweaver
    Level 42 Ranger

    With good weapons in the baul, animal support, Other surprises and spheres of combat from the highest level reached of each character,
    I repeat that I can announce the price you want me to my mail Or if you have any offer in mind let me know and make the delivery of the account quickly and easily.

    The majority of the set arrived in the events to drakania until now they are the complete baul the last complete incompletos set are those of the 6 last events.

    And with a dwarf newcomer to lvl 40 with good complete extraordinary set.

    35k of anders.

    Im only use PayPal has no other payment system.

    [email protected]
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