MSL Account level 43, 20%+ Weekly Arena Easily hit 700 gems (Heroes 1) Packages bought 12 days of the Premium package (100gem, 100energy daily) left, 20 days of 30gem/day package. Content that I can clear ALL except Golem B9 and Dragons, Dragon can be done with revives and Golem B9 will require abit more work Notable unit Light Nike (evo3, all 6* gems with 2x +15, 1x) Dark Seastar (evo3, all 6* gems with +15 gem) Dark Gatito (evo3 all 6* gems with +15) Wood Leo (evo3, all 6* gems with 2x +15, 1x +12) Fire Yuki (evo2, 6*) Water Persephasa (evo2, 6* gems with 2x +15, 1x +12) Water Nightmare (evo2, all 6* gems with 1x +15, 2x +12) Fire Wildfang (Evo3 5*, almost 6*) Wood Cupid (Evo3, 5*) 2x Fire Arthur 4x Valkyrie (2 water (1variant), 1x wood and 1x fire) Fire Perse Light Hana (5* evo2) Rocky (evo2) 1x extra Water Nightmare Units that I can evo3 Yuki, Banshee, Cura Evo3 Water Hana with current event (already have evo3 Snowee, just need 1m gold) Contact You can add me on skype : xfishnchipsx Price Ideally I am looking at 250USD, definitely spent more than that on this account. Spent around 500USD You can offer for the account if you are interested. No low baller thanks!