Sold Selling Level 275 :: 8sf and 3 sf+ 2 with set :: Many pets :: Reasonable Price

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IllusionsHD, 9/14/17.

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  1. IllusionsHD

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    I have a very strong account here. In raids I range from 250k to easily 400k on a 3 and on average 100k on a six.
    Currently there are 150 gems on the account and that won't change. It may go up.
    I am in a very good guild with kind people so this account has a good spot.
    As for pets I have the earth four star tier 4 and tier four water epic and many more
    I have loads of shadowforge rings and amulets
    I have a lot of armors at 5 crafting materials left to be needed.
    Just saying I do NOT go first, so as for the scammers out there, please don't try. I have people to vouch for me.

    if you're interested (which I hope you are) here's how to contact me:
    line- josegonzaga23
    email- [email protected]

    I will look at my line more often so that'd be the best way to contact me
    If for some reason none of those work just PM me here

    - - - Updated - - -

    Should probably also add 2 of the armors are from raids/wars and the SF's I have are newer ones
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