Sold Selling Level 22HQ, Commander Lvl 55, 85m+ power, 700k gold, account for sale

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daywid1, 12/6/16.

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  1. Daywid1

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    I am soon moving out of mobile strike and have my account for sale.

    Presently the following features are available

    1. HQ level - 22
    2. All major buildings - lvl 22 and all super buildings unlocked
    3. Power: 85million+ ( I am continuing to play and the power will keep climbing)
    4. 725,000 gold
    5. VIP 73

    Research Completed

    • Totally Mastered: Economics, Combat, Traps, Advanced Traps .. all top levels unlocked and mastered)
    • Mastered: Commander (Rebel level 4), Advanced Combat (90% done), Manufacturing (35%), Mercereny Combat (level 1)

    Materials & Mods
    Tonnes of Level 6,5 materials & mods

    Speed Ups
    50 Days, 30 Days, 20, Days, 7 Days, 5 Days, 4 Days, 3 Days, 2 Days, 24 Hrs : total of over 2500 days of speed ups

    Lots of VIP days of 30min, 1 hour, 1 day, 7days, 30 days


    Almost 65 billion+ of RSS

    Unlocked Specials

    • Blackmarket, Speed Up Factory, Monument, Vault
    • Insignias Level 6 Unlocked: Energy, Health, Attack, Academy, Drill, Gear Head, Vault, Rebel Destroyer, Missions (level 2)
    • Gravedigger's Coins,
    • Permanent Second Research Queue & Building Queue
    • Instant Elimination
    • Cyanide Pills
    • Exacvators & Cranee

    • Lots of Legendary Gear, Tools
    • Lots of Research Files
    • Lots of boosts
    • Lots of Upkeep Reductions
    • Lots of Daily Chances & Alliance Chances, VIP chances
    • Lots of Peace Shields & Anti Scouts including 30days
    • Lots of defence and attack boosts
    • Lots of commander energy

    I am asking for a nominal $60 or the highest bid (if multiple people are interested). Lots of time and energy has gone to bring the levels and research up to mastered level.

    Payment will be via penpal.

    If anyone is interested, leave a message.


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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