Sold Selling Level 15 base 22 4 stars 44 3 stars incuding new Astrotrain maxed out def

Discussion in 'Transformers Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mhester, 11/13/17.

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  1. mhester

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    Hello all, I am selling my account because I don't have time to play anymore. This is a solid account thats ready to jump in the top alliances. I am at level 66 with 6,668 medals. Also just added the new 3 star Astrotrain triple changer.

    Its a v.i.p account so u will get goodies every month and its also a beta account so you can test the new stuff early. I have 21 4 star bots incuding many of the sought after ones, 44 3 star bots, a ton a of 2 star and 1 atar bots, 92 k in spark, 136 coins and the tp is 74527. I also have all 3 combiners and bruts is a 4 atar.

    For additional info message me on line at killerklowns. Bellow are the bots you will be getting. 600 usd will get you this account now. But willing to take offers if with in reason. Get this now before astrotrain comes in because that will most likely only raise the price.

    4 star bots
    Blastoff 52 sa7, headstrong 48 sa5, Galvatron 43 sa7, Divebomb 51 sa6, Bludgeon 47 sa6, Tantrum 49 sa5, nem prime 45 sa5, starscream 48 sa7, scavenger 49 sa6, brawl 49 sa6, onslaught 47 sa6, longhaul 47 sa6, swindle 44 sa6, mixmaster 42 sa7, skywarp 42 sa6, kickback 44sa4, nightbird 38 sa6, rampage 26 sa6, Vortex 39 sa6, Bombshell 37 sa5, Octopunch.

    3 star bots (bots only no stats pm for that)
    Megs, galvs, Deathsaurus, Bludgeon, scrapper, soundwave, bonecrusher, off road, razorclaw, nem prime, scourge, megs bw version, viper, cyclonus, tantrum, mixmaster, shockwave, starscream, skywarp, vortex, longhaul, divebomb, scavenger, slipstream, blastoff, brawl, reflector, gnaw, kickback, bombshell, headstrong, hungurr, breakneak, thundercracker, breakdown, dragstrip, lockdown, swindle, scrapnel, octopunch, nightbird, onslaught.


    Devs 3 star level 7
    Brut 4 star level 4 or 5
    Predaking 3 level 1

    Again for any info or questions my line is KILLERKLOWNS (bigmat75) please contact me there or leave a message here.

    Below is a link to check out my account
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