Sold Selling Level 10 ancient dragon claw blue dragon shaolin account

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DatOneBoy, 12/6/17.

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  1. DatOneBoy

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    Shaolin 6th Inner 42/42
    Shaolin 5th Inner 36/36
    Palm-Leaf Sutra 31/31 (currently working on)
    Poison Toad 40/40

    Ancient Skill Sets-
    ANCIENT DRAGON CLAW: rage level 10+30% (crits 2.7k on mobs with no buffs) , charge level 6, knock down level 6, rest level 3 (have page fragments to get all skills to level 8 in the bank)

    Cash Shop Skill Sets-
    Yuanyang Twin Blades
    9Palace sword set
    Sura Blade
    Martial Saint Staff
    Headbutt Skillset
    Mozi Sword
    Shengfeng Skill

    Skill Sets-
    Basic shaolin skills and other school skills (also has sky ladder sword set)

    Parry Buffs-
    Turn Weapon Around (level 4)
    Far and Removed ( emei rage parry buff)

    All 180,
    Shaolin 216
    MT HUA meridian 180

    Buyout Price is $200
    Email me @ [email protected] or on discord: TrippinzOut#1446
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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