Selling Selling Lev 31 account with 2 nat 5s for sale

Discussion in 'Monster Super League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yukimora, 11/12/16.

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  1. Yukimora

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    Don't really understand how the selling and transferring of accounts works and need help with that but highest bidder

    nat 5s are fire valk and water Arthur (evo 2)
    5*d nat 4 variants are dark Horan and water wildfang
    5*d nat 4s are 2nd Evo fire yui, 2nd Eco wood Hana
    5* fire Horan
    15+ other nat 4*s untouched including variant Wood wild fang and variant fire Jeanne
    bad gems but a lot of potential for growth

    email me: [email protected]
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