Selling Selling Legendary + Ultimate bundle (500€ worth account)

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mantae, 8/5/17.

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  1. Mantae

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    Sup there,

    I'm selling my legendary + ultimate fortnite account.
    Opened more than 300 paid llamas, excluding the bonuses founder and preordered ones.

    You will fine on the account :
    10 Legendary Heroes (2 from the legendary bundle, +6 from the ultimate and +2 from the llamas)
    16 epic Heroes (13 unique), about 80 rare heroes (lots of dupes) and 40 uncommon
    1 ninja epic hero is 3+stars, several 2+

    2 legendary defenders, about 30ish epic.

    2 mythic leaders (tech & assault), 3 legendary leaders, ~10 epic leaders.
    49 legendary survivors, 16 epic, and a few rare to slot bonuses.

    about 290k hero xp, 600k item xp and 140k survivor xp. 100+ bonus boosters

    5 legendary ranged weapons, (4 from the bundles + 1 laser rifle) about 50ish epic ranged weapons
    1 legendary melee weapon (3star+, from the bundle) and 7 epic melee weapons.
    5 legendary traps, 6 epic traps and the rest is uncommon

    collection level 55+ power level 38ish.

    75+skills unlocked in the second tree, most of the tech research unlocked from the 2nd tree.
    chapter 2 almost finished.

    I'll be waitin' for an offer by PM.
    If you have any question, just spank it.
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