Sold Selling Legendary PvP/PVE Account + Top3-Titles + CM Acc

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NotAvailable, 10/21/17.

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  1. NotAvailable

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    Hello,I'm selling my SWTOR Account.
    I have around 30 Days of Sub left (Post created at 21.10.17)
    I have over 300 days playtime
    I have from all Season 1 until 8 on every reward and 2 Top3 Titles

    Main Characters:

    -Assassin (Valor 100,Social X,CXP 300)
    PvE Titles: the Infernal,the Unyielding,Minesweeper,Red Rhombus,
    Warstalker,from Beyond,Gate Crasher,Dragonslayer,Dread Master,of the ruined World,
    Drouk-Hunter,Dread Slayer,the Fearless,the Furious,Epic Hero,the Eternal Warrior,
    Conqueror of the Dread Fortress,Deposer of the Dread Masters.
    PvP Titles: Deadly Contender,Warzone Annhilator S1-Allstar,S2-Allstar,Fairly Furious,Fantastically Furious,Swashbuckler,The Dauntless,
    The Infamous,The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser,Maximal Decimator,Favored by the Scorekeeper,
    Head Hunter,Predator,All Area Titles,The Fearless and Invetive,Giradda's Kind of Scum,The Firey
    PvE Mounts: Wings of the Architect,Dread Enhanced Rancor,Titan 6 Containment Vehicle
    PvP Mounts: S1 Rancor,S3 Walker,S4 Baron Deathmark's Swashbuckling Cutter,S5 Giraddas Nexu,
    S6 Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler,S7 Giraddas Acklay,S8 Ember Makrin
    Top3 Title: The Dread Assassin
    +Crest of the Dreadmaster
    +Gold Flair of Season 8
    +Centurion Gear
    +Kell Dragon Gear
    +Firebrand Gear

    -Marauder (Valor 100,Social X,CXP 159)
    -PvE Titles: The Infernal,The Unyielding,Dragonslayer,Gate Crasher,of the ruined World,
    -PvP Titles: S1-Champion,S2-Professional,Fairly Furious,(The Dauntless,The Infamous,witch were given by mistake),
    The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser,Favored by the Scorekeeper,Giradda's Kind of Scum.
    PvP Mounts: S5 Giraddas Nexu,S7 Giraddas Acklay
    PvE Mounts: Wings of the Architect

    -Powertech (Valor 100,Social X)
    -PvE Titles: The Infernal,The Unyielding,Dread Master,Dread Slayer,Drouk-Hunter
    -PvP Titles: S1-Professional,S2-Champion,Just a little Furious,Swashbuckler,The Dauntless,
    The Infamous,The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser,Maximal Decimator,Fav. by the Scorekeeper,
    Head Hunter,Predator,Giraddas Kind of Scum
    PvE Mounts: Dread Enhanced Rancor
    PvP Mounts: S3 Walker,S4 Baron Deathmark's Swashbuckling Cutter,S5 Giraddas Nexu,
    S6 Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler,S7 Giraddas Acklay

    -Operative (Valor 92,Social 7)
    -PvE Titles: Drouk-Hunter,Warstalker,The Infernal,The Unyielding
    -PvP Titles: Just a little Furious,Fairly Furious,Swashbuckler,The Dauntless,The Infamous,
    The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser,Fav. by the Scorekeeper,Head Hunter,Giraddas Kind of Scum
    PvP Mounts: Baron Deathmarks Swashbuckling Cutter,S5 Nexu,S7 Acklay

    -Mercenary (Valor 89,Social X)
    -PvE Titles: The Unyielding,The Infernal,Warstalker,Minesweeper,from Beyond,Dread Master,
    the Eternal Warrior,of the ruined World,Gate Crasher,Dragonslayer,Dread Slayer
    -PvP Titles: Deadly Contender,S1-Professional,Just a little Furious,Swashbuckler,The Dauntless,The Infamous,
    The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser
    PvE Mounts: Wings of the Architect,Avalanche Heavy Tank
    PvP Mounts: S4 Baron Deathmarks Swashbuckling Cutter,S5 Giraddas Nexu
    +Crest of the Dreadmaster
    +Kell Dragon gear

    -Shadow (Valor 92,Social X)
    -PvE Titles: Dragonslayer,from Beyond,Dread Master,Dread Slayer,Minesweeper,Warstalker,Deposer of the Dread Masters
    -PvP Titles: S1-Professional,S2-Champion,Fairly Furious,Fantasticaly Furious,Swashbuckler,The Dauntless,
    The Infamous,The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser,Maximal Decimator,Fav by the Scorekeeper,Head Hunter,Predator
    -PvE Mounts: Dread Enhanced Rancor
    PvP Mounts: S3 Walker,S4 Baron Deathmarks Swashbuckling Cutter,Giraddas Nexu,S6 Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler

    -Vanguard (Valor 99,Social 9)
    -PvE Titles: The Infernal,The Unylieding,Minesweeper,Warstalker,Dread Master,Gate Crasher,Conqueror of the Dread Fortress,the Eternal Warrior,
    Dragonslayer,from Beyond,of the ruined World,the Revanchist,
    -PvP Titles: Deadly Contender,Warzone Annhilator,S1-Allstar,S2-Allstar,Fantastically Furious,Swashbuckler,The Dauntless,The Infamous,
    The Entertaining,Crowd Pleaser,Maximal Decimator,Fav. by the Scorekeeper,Head Hunter,Predator,The Fearless and Inventive,Giraddas Kind of Scum,
    The Firey
    PvE Mounts: Wings of the Architect,Dread Enhanced Rancor,Avalanche Heavy Tank,Helix Hyperpod
    PvP Mounts: Every T1 Mount from S1-8
    Top3 Title: Champion of the Vanguards
    +Gold Flair of Season 8
    +Crest of the Dreadmaster
    +Bound Flag of Season 8
    +Firebrand Gear
    +Kell Dragon Gear

    Other Charakters:
    -Juggernaut lvl 55
    -Guardian lvl 55
    -Commando lvl 60
    -Gunslinger lvl 60
    -Scoundrel lvl 65
    -Sorcerer lvl 65
    -Sage lvl 60

    -Overall 50k Archievments on almost every planet 70%+
    -82% PvP Archievments
    -Legacy lvl 50
    -DVL 100%
    -Operation 98% (Some 16m HM/NIM are missing) (
    -All 4 Class buffs
    -Legendary Player

    Cartel Marked Stuff (You can use it on every toon,its all unlocked)
    -Revan Set
    -Revan Reborn
    -Ajunta Pall
    -Thana Vesh
    -Tulak Hord
    -Primeval Stalker
    -Dathomir Set
    -Argille Set
    -Cathar Sword
    -Defiant Vented Lightsaber
    -Stronghold Defender's Lightsaber (and double lightsaber)
    -Every Flair (Until the United Force Packs)

    -Ranked Stuff which you can still use:
    -1x Giraddas Kind of Scum Title
    -1x Giraddas Acklay
    -1x Baron Deathmarks Swashbuckling Cutter
    -2x Giraddas Nexus
    -4x The Entertaining
    -2x Crowd Pleaser
    -1x Predator
    -2x Sizzling
    -2x Hot
    - Many Area Titles

    Looking for 2000 Euro #
    Feel free to pm me :D
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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