Sold Selling Legacy of Discord for sale V12 22.8 million BR Berserker account-EST-2k$ / OBO

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by devils04, 2/9/17.

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  1. devils04

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    Selling my EST server V12 (close to V13) Berserker 22.8 mill BR with pvp king tittle. Guild leader of top guild on server since start.

    -----3000$ exact spent on the account only looking for 2000$ or best offer-----

    He is near full R10 gear with enough materials to be full R10 just waiting for more dragon soul to finish R10 necklace and ring. Has nearly all the wings, 24 more frags for hellbat and 60 more frags for freezy! Has all the costumes but the pirate costume (not worth 8.8 k diamonds only gives 65k br). Finally has about 6k diamonds on the account but may be spending them if the account does not go before valentines day to keep the account competitive and top tier to retain its value!

    Total of:
    19 Wraithings unlocked /// 24 more frags to unlock hellbat
    19 Pets unlocked /// 60 more frags to unlock freezy

    -- Character has been top 2 back and forth in arena since I first started playing the game. Top Berserker on the server.

    Can supply all the information and screen shots or meet in game if you are interested.

    Feel free to approach me with any comments, questions or concerns and also to email me at [email protected]

    Reasons for leaving - I have a new born child and could use the money. Diapers can get a bit expensive haha.

    Feel free to request my facebook. information where you can pm me there to chat personally!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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