Sold [Selling] [LEGACY] Elementalist Vaal FireBall 80 lvl | fastest build| Cheap 20$

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sanek, 5/6/17.

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  1. sanek

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    - Hey guys, want to sell my account in PoE
    - Im already sold 50+ accounts PoE, Im Professional Player, all my accounts cheap and very nice
    - Elementalist Vaal FireBall build - 80 lvl

    PROS: (legacy character)
    - Unique build. Fun to play. This build is fast and aggressive
    - Insane clear speed - high damage, moves fast, covers large area
    - Easy clear maps
    - Looks awesome
    - Can run most map mods
    - Surprisingly tanky with high damage output
    - Clears so fast, you don't even care about enfeeble half of the time!
    - Slow the everloving crap out of enemies

    - Level 80
    - Full skills setup
    - Full flasks setup
    - Insane damage
    - Character has never been botted, only hand leveled

    E - MAIL:
    - E-mail address is given together with the account


    My skype ID is niga.rus
    My avatar in skype - PoE logo

    - 20$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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