Sold Selling legacy account vip13 19m br hkt server 800 dollars rush

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jake3232, 1/31/17.

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  1. jake3232

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    Hello To All

    I am selling my account V13 at HKT server, Wings are Immortal lvl 50(augment 5), abyss lvl 50(, archiblade lvl 50, seraph lvl 50, demon lvl 50, inferno lvl 50, (augment 5) for pets, All pets is available only the new updates fairy Freezy

    Price is 800 Dollars

    By the way Character is berserker
    RFS: My work shift has changed and the work load is become more, Plus my wife is nagging me for using credit card

    Note: For more details/photos please do contact me on whatsapp me on this # +971561947176

    Please read my Notes.. For screenshot just message me on whatsapp, only for sure buyer it not interested please don't pm me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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