Sold Selling legacy account 340 bis nin w/ 345, legacy goobbue, all doh/l 70, 72mil

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 1.0NIN, 10/14/17.

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  1. 1.0NIN

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    Selling legacy account, includes:

    -Item level 340 BiS Ninja with 345 weapon from final raid tier.

    -Level 70 DRG with some raid gear.

    -All crafters and gatherers level 70, all body gear fully pentamelded, most mainhands and offhands pentamelded as well

    -72 million gil on hand with assets to sell.

    -Unattainable Legacy Goobbue mount

    -Many other rare mounts including Firebird, Susano and Lakshmi dogs, Ixion mount, Ginga mount Kirin mount, Whisper A-go-go (upgraded Yo-Kai mount), Griffin mount (Heavensward collectors edition item), and many others.

    -All other jobs level 60 except for PLD(66), DRK(54), WHM(50), and AST(50).

    -High ranked player on FFlogs. Top 25 NINs on server with high perf. avg%

    -Books on hand for all savage raids including 6 books for O4S.

    -Completed DRG anima weapon.

    I'm sure there is much more I'm forgetting to mention but as you can see this is a high end account with much to offer. Thanks for taking a look.

    Entertaining offers. Do not low-ball me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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