Sold Selling L3 Nea & L3 Nurse account

Discussion in 'Dead by Daylight Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell DBD Account' started by /u/tomatensup, 2/23/24.

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  1. /u/tomatensup

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    I'm selling a legacy account that has 10 legacy prestige levels in total, spread across different characters. The account includes the following:

    L3 Nea, L3 Nurse, L1 Claudette, L1 Jake, L1 Wraith and L1 Hillbilly

    About 500 hours in total, most of which were in 2016

    Part of the Legacy Prestige group on Steam

    OGE and OG phone no. known

    Price: €800 (#)

    DM on Reddit or add me on Discord 'tomatensupje' if interested!

    # #/tomatensup
    # .
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