Sold Selling Knights & Dragons IOS

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/3/15.

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  1. Games

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    Here is what I have:

    1,004 gems


    Epics (non-plus):

    Blazeborne 99

    Cloudrange 99

    Malestrom 99

    Tectonic 99

    Blazeborne 99 (yes there are 2)


    Red Kaleidoscopic+ 70


    11 level 3 training fields

    4 level 3 armor smith

    1 level 2 monster nest


    Aegis+ 70

    Glacius+ 70

    Asherah+ 70

    Demon+ 70

    Drake+ 70

    Horseman+ 70

    Typhon+ 70

    Witch's+ 70

    Wurmshroud+ 70


    40 Fusion Stones

    Looking for $150 US in iTunes card. Can provide images via Line to interested party. Once iTunes funds are verified, I will "bind account" and send you the information.

    Please do not waste my time, or yours, asking for price reductions or for trades.

    Thank you!

    line me @ parauk
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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