sdbrqkekj7dksdbrqkekj7dk I'm selling my Knights & Dragons account on Android. lvl 205 5 maxed epic armours: Beastmasters Battlegear Forgestone Aegis Blazestone Mantle Northerner's Battlegear Moontide Platemail 33 Fusion Boost Some Legendary armours (Redstone+, Voidborne+, Drake Platemail+, Glacius+ ...) all expansions 4x Lvl 3 Training Field , 8x lvl 2 3x Lvl 2 Armorsmith 1x Lvl 2 Monsternest as well as 15Million gold and a friendlist full of high geared guys(no problem to beat the epic boss) Msg here or lineID: brataffe knights and dragons android