Selling [Selling] [Klaipeda] LVL 225 Wizard3-Psycho3-Warlock/Featherfoot (unselected)

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jennahazee, 9/22/16.

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  1. jennahazee

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    Wizard3-Psychokino3-Warlock/Featherfoot/Any details:
    -Lvl 225 Rank 7 (last class unselected) You can chose whatever suite your playstyle more.
    -Server US Klaipeda
    -Safe account. I'm only one and original trusted owner with good history, you can check my trade/threads history on Playeracutions and playerup. I've already sold a lot of accounts and all new owners are 100% satisfied.

    -Today Price is 139$ only!


    Click the button and purchase it.
    I will not receive your payment until you confirm full service delivery.
    can also contact me in skype if you prefer direct payment:

    Or add me manually: toobadapple
    Or send me a private message here
    Character information:
    -Awesome wizard damage dealer build with a lot of hard crowd control and great damage potential. Solid AoE damage combined with permanent CC lockdown.
    -Perfect for both PvP and PvE
    -INT:CON 1:1 stat build resulting in more than 20 000 HP total on level 225
    -Most basic attributes from wizard and psychokino learned (with some bonus like lvl 40 Magic missile and lvl 20 Gravity pole)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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