Selling Selling [Klai] Wts every valuable things within my account

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by enutpeN, 12/16/16.

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  1. enutpeN

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    Like the title , i want to sell everything within my account . I have plenty of stuff such as

    - 4k talts
    - 128 cubes of blessing unbox
    - Materials : portium , phydecium , complex gear , ferinium , gepetto leaves , etc
    - Cards : over 500 cards
    - Recipes : some are valuable
    - Equipments : mana , 3 gb , 2 max , didel xcross , wr , 2 venom , 2 dumbell , brandish , Miao hair with 96 dark prop atk + 123 patk , etc.
    - TP : over 1k
    - Gems : few color gems at lvl 6
    - Silver : around 10m+

    I tried to check the market but it hurts my brain so i will leave my skype / facebook address for anyone interested. We can use teamview and check my items then settle the price. My skype is Otomegane Sida , my facebook is

    Thank you for reading ! Hope you all have a great time
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