Selling Selling Kings Road Account Knight 10.000+ Power, 6.000 Damage, 200.000 Armor

Discussion in 'KingsRoad Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mirko885, 7/6/15.

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  1. Mirko885

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    Knight is the main class on this account,its 190 lvl.
    Many,many pots in inventory,
    24 elixires of item find (45 minutes gold party pots),
    37 damage pots (30 minutes),
    33 elixirs of mana regeneration (30 minutes),
    32 elixirs of cooldown reduction (30 minutes),
    28 elixirs of avoidance (30 minutes),
    8 elixires of item find (30 minutes),
    and many pots,jewel evoulution materials,and many jewel fusion prisms.

    9 pages of inventory slots, and 3 valut pages.
    Over 15 valor lockboxes,arena fury over 1.000.
    Account is equipped with gold farm equipment,high lvl bonus gold jewels and movement speed items.
    Over 150 tokens and 20 token lockboxes,
    and most important 10.000+ GEMS

    I would like to see every offer so u can contact me at [email protected] and i will send u some pictures of my inventory and hero stats.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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