Sold Selling Killian[EU] Veteran Cheap 5 Guile +12 character 420ilvl, 8 total characters!

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xeixx, 12/10/16.

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  1. Xeixx

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    Best account you can get in low price(Under 100€)!! 8 Characters!

    Today I wish to present you following account with full +12 guile 5 character + 3 characters full slaughter on killian EU (account with veteran status). 5 characters are prepared enough to make every dungeon on Tera other 3 characters prepared to get new gear and have enough alkahest of every type around 1k(more info provided at screenshots). Account is fully prepared to continue adventure - consumables inside bank (first bank tab).


    Brawler: Perfect stats Guile set +12 + starfall gloves for additional stats with energetic II etchings, power/crit new pve jewelry, full dyaded weapon crystals, full glyphed.
    Lancer: Perfect stats Guile set +12 + starfall gloves for additional stats with energetic II etchings, full crit jewelry, full dyaded weapon crystals, full glyphed.
    Slayer: Perfect stats Guile set +12 + starfall gloves for additional stats with keen II etchings, full crit jewelry, full dyaded weapon crystals, full glyphed.
    Sorcerer: Perfect stats Guile set +12 + starfall gloves for additional stats with keen II etchings, full crit jewelry, full dyaded weapon crystals, full glyphed.
    Berserker: Perfect stats Guile set +12 + starfall gloves for additional stats with keen II etchings, full crit jewelry, full dyaded weapon crystals, full glyphed.
    Warrior: Slaugther +12 Perfect stats and without etchings, old jewelry, full glyphed.
    Mystic: Slaugther +12 Perfect stats and without etchings, old jewelry, full glyphed.
    Priest: Slaugther +12 Perfect stats and without etchings, old jewelry, full glyphed.

    Characters Screenshots:


    Information about items in bank:

    - around 150k gold in bank
    - 4k tier 9 spellbinds
    - 1.6k tier 10 spellbinds
    - 70 mes, 176 mes tier 10, 110 tier 11 mes, 2k tier 9 mes
    - 3 smart dyads
    - many vial of eliny tears for gathering/crafting
    - couple dyads prepared for priest/mystic
    - 1.2k vmwa, 1.4k extensive alkahest, 1.3k rare alkahest
    - many rare innerwears (endurance,hp, mp, power)
    - and a lot of more stuff that you can see below on the screen

    Bank Screenshots:


    Price: 99€

    Price with additional 400k gold 150€( I created another topic for 400k gold

    I accept only paypal gift, My skype is: tasiexdx.

    Contact:PM, skype - tasiexdx
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