Sold Selling Killian EU - 2m gold 0.13€/1k and items

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by faalen, 1/17/17.

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  1. faalen

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    I have over 2M gold to sell, on Killian EU.

    Price: 0.13€ / 1k (130€ / 1 milion)

    Also have lots of items :
    - 15000 Masterwork Alkhaest
    - 1000 Valuable Alkahest
    - 1800 Extensive Alkahest
    - Tons of feedstock (11, 10, 9, 8...)
    - 1750 Master Enigmatic Scrolls
    - 1 Noble Enigmatic Scroll
    - 70 Semi-Enigmatic Scrolls
    - 4400 Spellbinds
    - 50000 fashion coupons
    - 170000 Noctenium infusions
    - 81 Sea Chests
    - 3 Large Niveot Chests Elegant
    - Tons of end-game potions
    - Lots of crafting materials (including VM8 materials)

    • Add my Skype
    • Specify the amount or items you're buying
    • I ask you to make the payment
    • You will receive your gold or items 5 minutes after you made payment


    Paypal only
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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