Sold Selling Khux top tier account (whaled) - over $10k spent

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by faeunited, 7/30/17.

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  1. faeunited

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    It's been a fun run, but it's time to move on to another game. I'm selling my extremely whaled account of over 10k spent in USD. I've been top 50 with me and my party a couple times, scored top 1k every HSC, and finished all colis/challenges. Here's what's inside:

    Most noteworthy medals (ALL MEDALS ARE MAX GUILTED):
    -Double Trait 0.2 Kairi, another copy for testing purposes
    -2x Double Trait iKairi2, SC2 and DB3
    -Double Trait HD Beast
    -Double copies/traits of ALL the key arts
    -All the 4.60 tank medals maxed
    -All VIPs purchased
    -90% of T5/T4 medals Max guilted/Double Traited
    -Album is at 95% over guilted, basically you have every single medal in the game guilted so far except for the EX's missing.
    -All Avatar boards purchased/unlocked
    -Top 1k Coli every month
    -Every single title except for positional titles
    -All keyblades optimized (Every keyblade is not worth maxing, in the current meta Fenrir and Counterpoint are the best to max), +35 @ both.

    This is a top 50 consistent ranking party leader account, me and my buddies are planning to move to another game and as such only real offers/players will be considered. Please don't **** around with lowballs.

    Buyout price: $500, at this price I'm just looking to quit the game.
    Post here or contact me at my discord "Chicken#8443"
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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