Sold Selling Khux na well build profile!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bonnibel, 8/27/17.

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  1. Bonnibel

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    Hey there! I'm here because I'm not really playing anymore KHUX, so I wanted to sell my account to someone who would use it more than me.
    As you can see below, I really spent a lot of time for this game: 319 days played.
    Main story is over, and I'm on a good way to finish the proud quests.

    It's a excellent profile to start playing, because it does 2.000.000 of damage on raids.

    Here you can check everything you want and need to see:

    • Avatar: [EDITED]
    • Keyblades: [EDITED]
    • Medals:
    • Guilted medals: [EDITED]
    • Purchased boards:
    • Missing boards:

    If you have any other question, feel free to ask.
    Don't forget that there are almost 4000 jewels, so you can make a pull!
    [EDIT: Now there are more than 9000 jewels.]

    Please, remember that 6600 jewels cost $50 USD (or €50 euros, it depends where you are playing), and I'm leaving you an account with 9000 of them for free!
    Check it here:

    Note that I will be maintaining the account until someone purchases it, so it's probably that medals like Cid and Chip&Dale and jewels will be more than actual ones.

    Plus, I wanted to make you notice some noteworthy medals:

    • Scrooge ATK BOOST IV:
    • The King & Donald & Goofy - 150% guilted, ATK BOOST III MAX, ATK +2000:
    • Dark Riku - 150% guilted, ATK BOOST III MAX, STR +1000, HP +800:
    • HD Naminé - 150% guilted, ATK B III & AP+ & LUX+, Aereal Enemy DEF -60%:
    • Prince & Belle - an unique, collector's medal, only available during an event and not obtainable anymore:

    And many illustrated ones, like Sephiroth, KH II Uniform Kairi, Halloween Sora, Yuffie, Aerith, Sora, Cid, Terra, Aqua, Ventus...

    I sell it for $200 USD OBO, on paypal.
    As I said, we can talk about an offer, of course, but I'm not willing to low the price too much.
    You can contact me on Discord: Bonnibel#3471, or message me, or just e-mail me [email protected] !
    Oh, and, I will not be sending the account until I receive payment.

    Thanks for the attention. :eek:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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