Sold Selling Khux jp - top 400 coliseum account - ex medals - full upright + reverse buffs

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Title Track, 11/20/17.

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  1. Title Track

    Title Track
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    So I’ve decided to call it quits, honestly the game is too easy with Kairi Ex and I’m not having as much fun as I was before, so I’m looking to pass this account onto somebody who would appreciate it more than myself. The account is 437 days old, has a good deal of the ex medals and a load of medals with extra attack. Also has 21 M&B and mass stockpiles of evolution materials so no need for grinding.

    I consistently score in top 400 of coliseum, I have 2 double cast copy medals and a full damaging set up for Fairy Stars all with 60% Aerial Defence Down traits. Coli is pretty much all I do on the game anymore so if you’re someone who is looking for those high end rewards then this is definitely for you. If you’re willing to put some actual cash into this account I have no doubt you could make it to top 100. As for this current month at coli, still have a long way of grinding to go but I’m currently in the latter half of T16, so if you’re after that LUX&ABXLII100% and an extra LUX&ABXL100, this is for you.

    The account is currently in Vulpes with a very nice and friendly top 50 casual party who go hard every lux week. We have the lux armour from the anniversary event and most of the gold crowns they have given out over the course of this year. I personally don’t raid much myself but I have very powerful raid set ups and a number of medals w/raid traits that need lux skills still.

    All Story mode quests are completed but there’s still about 27% of the objectives to complete still, honestly didn’t see the need to level up the lesser key blades. I have levelled up ALL of the proud blades past 25 so you don’t have any of that horrible grinding to do either.

    Pet Rank: 5

    Notable key blades:

    Olympia: 30
    Divine Rose: 30
    Sleeping Lion: 35
    Counterpoint: 35
    Fenrir: 35
    Darkgnaw: 32
    Missing Ache: 28
    Diamond Dust: 31
    Fairy Stars: 35.2

    Notable medals (in order of base STR and ALL @ MAX GUILT):

    0.2 Terra / STATUS BOOSTED / + 1000 STR, EXTRA ATTACK 40%, -60% AERIAL DEFENCE / SP0&ABXL100%
    HD Namine / STATUS BOOSTED / +1000 STR, EXTRA ATTACK 40% / LUX&ABL100%
    iBBS Mickey / STATUS BOOSTED / +800HP / SP0&ABXL100%
    0.2 Sora / 2x RAID DAMAGE 40%, +1000 STR / SP1&ABL100%
    Pete HD / STATUS BOOSTED / SP1&ABL100%
    iHT Donald / +1000 STR / ABXLII100%
    Aqua & Stitch / + 1000 STR, -60% AERIAL DEFENCE, -60% GROUND DEFENCE / ABXLII100%
    0.2 Aqua / STATUS BOOSTED / RAID DAMAGE 40%, +2 GAUGES / SP2&ABXL100%
    DW Roxas EX / SP2&ABXLII100%
    Ava EX / LUX&ABXL100%
    Roxas EX / SP2&ABXL100%
    Gula EX / LUX&ABXL100%
    Xion EX / SP1&ABXL100%
    Axel EX / ABXL
    Cloud EX / RAID DAMAGE 40% / SP1&ABL100
    Lingering Will / -60% AERIAL DEFENCE, +800 HP / SP1&ABXL100
    Riku, Days ver. / -60% AERIAL DEFENCE / LUX&ABXL100
    FF XION / SP1&ABXL100
    Brave Genie / LUX&ABXL100
    Larxene HD / ABXLII100%
    KA Bond / RAID DAMAGE 40% / SP1&ABXL100

    + many, many more including a spare copy of HD Xion and ALL of the KA ABC copy medals w/skills and at max guilt, multiple boosted premiums and traited VIP medals. I can provide images and show you the rest of the medals if interested but the ones listed will literally be all you will need to get by on the game. I have 760 slots unlocked and honestly about 500 t2/3 medals that need fusing together, I’m just too lazy to do it myself.

    Get in touch if interested. Looking for £200, Paypal only.
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