Sold Selling Khux jp account with a ton of ex medals, including ava and kairi ex

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by efile2, 11/3/17.

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  1. efile2

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    The Account is filled with tons of goodies

    here are some of the highlights:

    Top Medals:
    Kairi EX
    Ava Ex
    Gula Ex
    Aced Ex
    The brand New Days Riku
    The brand New Final Form Sora
    Sephiroth Ex
    Axel EX
    2 Copy Medals with Extra Attack Trait! (Namine and Key art)
    HD Xion
    Plenty of HSC and VIP medals that are no longer obtainable, including the newest medal Chicken Little
    and much much more

    Other Perks:
    Max Keyblade Cost unlocked
    All Keyblades have been unlocked
    Fairystar is level 35.3
    Top 50 party Crown
    Pet rank 4
    Plenty of Jewel Avatar boards unlocked as well as VIP Boards
    136 Magic Mirrors
    19 Mickey and Brooms
    Plenty of all the evolve medals, Chip & Dales, and Cids
    15K Jewels on the account (great for a 5 mercy pull)
    Extra Skills such as SP0, AB4 + SP1 Max, AB4+Lux Max

    Asking $250. Paypal only
    If you have any Question you can contact me on discord
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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