Sold Selling KHUX global whale account (includes HD Namine 150% with AB3+Lux Max)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ellemmenne, 5/13/17.

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  1. ellemmenne

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    400+ day account.

    Lv431 Nova

    1000+ of each evolution medal so you don't have to grind those

    Top tier guilted medals include HD Namine 150% w/ AB3+Lux Max, Illustrated Kairi 2 150%

    Several other premiums such as original Illustrated Kairi, Jack and Sally (3 dots and no dot - only 2 away from guilt), all event/organization XIII medals guilted

    Medal images here (starts with unguilted medals first):

    Sale will be a Facebook. account that is linked to this account. Paypal only (you can use buyer protection). I have a new account on playerup but I have done a ton of trades over on my reddit account of the same name. (See )
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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