Selling Keep ur own counsel taichi combo lvl 8, combo finger 6, 100 trans

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ttt030911, 9/25/16.

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  1. ttt030911

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    Male Keep ur own counsel with 100 transformation

    Inners :
    Chaotic 75/75
    Poison toad: 40/64
    WV 6th inner lvl 36 ( have 3k certs and alot items for 6th inner)
    Taoist 9/36
    Sunset 36/36
    nianlou : 54/59
    mounthua: 54/54

    All class c6 Jade
    Chef Twin Sword all + dmg
    Chef Single Sword all + dmg
    Chef Single Blade all + break defense
    Black Smith Sword 20% rage snow sword
    Black Smith Twins dagger + 20% phantom twin dagger charge
    Chef battlefield Single Sword all + dmg
    3 Bracers: 30% rage taichi ancient, 30% rage finger, 20% bubbha stun

    6x 180 (except wudang 144, RG 144 )
    Tangmen Reverse meridian 180
    Mounthua reverse meridian 180

    WV 218

    Weapon Manuals:
    Blade 194
    Bare Hand 454
    Twin Dagger 194
    Twin Sword 400
    Sword 194
    QuarterStaff 130


    Ancient Tai chi fist: Full combo + plume (Rage lvl 8) with + 40% from bracer and book
    Ancient Finger: full combo with rage lvl 6
    100 transformation with full wildshot ( rage open to lvl 6)

    WV's 4th set full set lvl 8
    Perish blade lvl 8
    Ling Long dice full set lvl 7

    Cash Shop Sets:
    Shura Blades lv6
    Heart Buddha Palm lv 10
    Curly Branch lvl 10
    Dragon Subduing Slap

    Snow Sword rage lvl 6 ( most lvl 4,5)
    Rootless set lvl 10
    Mount Hua 1st set open to 10
    Phantom twin dagger lvl 9
    100 Transformation

    And many cash shop set

    FH/CTM lvl 4
    Far and removed, TWA lvl 4
    Disguise lvl 4
    Flying Skill lvl 5

    Int skill crit hit dmg + int skill crit rate 2%+
    1 fire washing treasures
    External: Full crit hit % + crit rate

    8 outfit lore
    Blade + Twin Sword + Sword, twin dagger, Quarterstaff : 3 star lore

    Condor, Bird

    Level 3 cave in Louyang.

    Account is SVIP
    pm me on skype: ttt030911
    LOOK FOR $900
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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