Sold Selling [JPN] Beast account rank 54 with 6x 5* top unit base unit lot of tmr potential

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Piw, 12/13/16.

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  1. Piw

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    hello i decided to sell my jpn account as i got not much time to keep playing 2 account
    it got everything you could possible dream about and all the setup to do the hardest trials etc
    the account is rank 54 close to 55 with the folowing units :

    5* base :

    - Lighting
    - Gilgamesh
    - Onion Knight
    - Runera
    - Eileen
    - Wilhelm

    4* base :

    - Tilith
    - 2x Setzer
    - 2x Amelia
    - 2x Rikku
    - 2x Agrias
    - 2x Refia
    - Ashe
    - WoL
    - 3x Chizuru
    - 2x Gaffgarion
    - Garnet
    - Hope
    - Seven
    - Mercedes
    - Nine
    - Soleil
    - Shine
    - 3x Leonhart
    - King
    - 3x Grace
    - Summer Fina
    - Rasler
    - Weirei
    - Blanc
    - Earth Veritas
    - 2x Moogle
    - Deash

    3* base :

    - 2x Cecil
    - 5x Zidane
    - 2x Kefka
    - 4x Bartz
    - Terra
    - Kuja
    - 2x Shantoto
    - CoD
    - 2x Firion
    - Vaan
    - Celes
    - Mustadio
    - Miyuki
    - Golbez
    - Xiao
    - Locke
    - Leo
    - Gilbert
    - Lenna
    - Freya
    - Cerius
    - Hayate
    - Tellah
    - Ludmille
    - Charlotte
    - Alma
    - Mustadio
    - Sazh
    - Edge
    - Arc
    - Adel
    - Camille
    - Wakka
    - Tim
    - Kupipi

    and some more i wont list but not that usefull even for their tmr

    Rank 54
    Unit slot 195
    All Trials done yes even the robot
    13 Units 6* lvl 100 - Lighting/ Cecil / Gilgamesh / Eileen / Wilhelm / Tilith /Setzer / Amelia / Rikku / Runera /Onion Knight/ WoL / Ashe
    A lot of 6* Materials etc ...
    24 King cactuars
    22 Giant cactuars
    7640 Lapis and a lot of story to farm still
    Every event items since a long time
    Dualwield TMR
    Partizan TMR ( Eileen)
    35.4% done at Agrias
    31.5% done at Onion Knight
    14.9% done at Gilgamesh
    65.2% done at Wakka
    45% done at Tim
    40% done at Leo
    31.5% done at Adel ( dual wield )
    25% done at WoL

    etc.. wont list them all much more units are over 20% tmr

    looking for paypal payment as gift or friends/family
    the account wont go for much as i wont play it anymore
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