Sold Selling [JP] top tier account (Noctis, Onion Knight, Orlandu, Tidus, Gilgamesh)

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rxagnarok, 12/24/16.

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  1. Rxagnarok

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    Selling rank 55 account with the following notable units:

    6* Noctis
    6* Orlandu
    6* Onion Knight
    6* Tidus
    6* Gilgamesh
    6* Cecil
    6* Warrior of Light
    6* Ashe
    6* Refia
    6* Seven
    6* Exdeath
    6* Chizuru
    6* Firion
    6* Setzer
    6* Rikku
    6* Agrias
    6* Amelia

    Notable Equips include:
    Excalibur (Cecil)
    Sakurafubuki (Miyuki)
    Deathbringer (Dark Knight Cecil)
    Enhancer (Trial)
    Malicious Matiusu (Emperor)
    Fraternity (Tidus)
    Onion Sword (Onion Knight)
    Dandelga (Vargas)
    Grand Armor (Knight Delita)
    Rainbow Robe (Marie)
    Backpack Pouch (Rikku)
    Prishe Hair Ornament (Prishe)
    Bracer (Gaffgarion)
    Genji Glove (Gilga)
    Trick Hat (Tim)
    Thundergod Manual (Orlandu)

    Notable TMRs include:
    HP+20% ATT+30%
    Blade mastery
    Rokumei Jie of Pride Darkness (Dark Veritas TMR)
    Proud Swordsman

    and many more

    Pm me for more info or if you're interested. Thanks.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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