Sold Selling [JP] Selling good Account w. Eileen, D.Veritas, M.Fina, Rikku, WoL (210 units)

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DaggerX, 12/12/16.

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  1. DaggerX

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    Hello, I have a well played and well stocked japan rank 45 account to sell.
    With lots of 5* bases, many other essential units like Rikku and WoL. Some of them several times.
    And tons and tons of good TMR units.
    (picture at bottom of post)

    Here is a list:

    Noteable Units:

    Dark Veritas
    Majin Fina
    Mercenary Ramza
    3x Rikku
    Warrior of Light
    2x Refia
    6x Cecil

    2x Victoria
    5x Agrias
    2x Spear Moogles
    2x Chizuru
    3x Cloud of Darkness
    3x Garland
    3x Vaan
    3x Terra

    TMR Units:

    4x Zidane
    5x Werei
    3x Miyuki
    7x Shantotto
    2x Hayate
    3x Tim
    3x Meliadoul
    2x Camille
    2x Abel
    2x Eru
    4x Celes
    3x Xiao
    2x Bartz

    A few stat pots.

    A lot of other 3* or 4* Units
    It's 210 units in total.

    I have made some business here in this forum allready.
    And i know that an account with so many of the best 5* base units like Dark Veritas, Eileen, Majin Fina and units like WoL and Rikku is not something to easily get.
    I would not ask for something outrages but i would like a serious offer.

    So please PM me with an offer, then we can exchange skype info and i part with the account.

    I accept only paypal.

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