Sold Selling [JP][Rank 4] Top Notch Starter accounts (2xEileen, Onion Knight, Tidus, Ramza)

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hlaz, 1/22/17.

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  1. hlaz

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    Account 1

    3650 Lapis

    Notable Units :

    2x Eileen
    Onion Knight
    Warrior of Light
    3x Rikku
    2x Cecil

    Tmrs :

    16x Chizuru
    21x Zidane
    2x Leonhart
    3x Werei

    and more. It's a lot, so I will just write down notable tmr units, and send you a picture if you are interested.


    Account 2

    2700 Lapis

    Notable Units:

    2x Eileen
    2x Ramza
    Onion Knight
    3x Warrior of Light
    4x Rikku

    Tmrs :

    14x Chizuru
    14x Zidane
    2x Leonhart
    2x Werei

    and more. It's a lot, so I will just write down notable tmr units, and send you a picture if you are interested.

    These accounts, especially the 2nd one, with these many top-tier 5* units on starter account aren't something you can find out easily.

    Please PM me with an account number and an offer, then we can talk more from there.

    I accept only Paypal by the way.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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