High rank. Upgraded slots. Superb units. Yes, I have exceeds. 16-30 of all the best equipment/materia (even limited ones). 1k-2k megacites (for espers. I already have all the current ones in game to 40) 1k of EACH enhancement stone. Yeah, even the ones that cost 100k event points. Notable units: Orlandu Eileen Tidus Dark Veritas Tilith Rikku Emperor 2x Gilgamesh 2x Trance Terra Cecil/WoL And tons of all the other units too. Have 36 at max level 6 star rarity right now. All the melee have over 900 atk and 10k hp. Casters have 1k magic and 9k hp. Asking price is (#): 1000 USD, Paypal gift.